La Eastern Michigan University y la Stockholm University me han ofrecido colaborar en su proyecto LL-MAP (Language and Location - A Map Annotation Project). Los mapas de mi Cartografía Lingüística de Extremadura se incorporarán al proyecto en un futuro próximo. LL-MAP, en palabras de sus editores, "is designed to integrate language information with data from the physical and social sciences by means of a Geographical Information System (GIS). The most important part of the project will be a language subsystem, which will relate geographical information on the area in which a language is or has been spoken to data on resources relevant to the language. Ultimately, the system will include ancillary information on topography, political boundaries, demographics, climate, vegetation, and wildlife, thus providing a basis upon which to build hypotheses about language movement across territory. Some cultural information, e.g., on religion, ethnicity, and economics, will also be included".